New Construction
The Department of Social Services is responsible for investigating and managing truancy cases with the Clermont County courts; investigating residency violations; processing home schooling notifications; and providing home instruction tutoring.
Central Registration
Milford has a centralized registration process for students who are new to the district. View the Central Registration page here.
Home Schooling
Parents/guardians who reside in Milford Exempted Village School District and chose to home school their children must notify the district of their intent to home school. Parents must identify a curriculum and list the resources they intend to use. Mail this notification in care of John Spieser, Superintendent, 1099 State Route 131, Milford, Ohio 45150 or Email Milford Home School.
Home Instruction
Responsible for coordinating services for students who are homebound due to an illness.
Homeless Liaison
Responsible for identifying homeless students and ensuring their rights as a homeless student.
Neediest Kids of All
Responsible for distributing funds to needy families with in the school district.