New Construction
Milford Exempted Village School District has a Master Facilities Plan (MFP), a long-term plan for district facilities. Milford's MFP was created in 2000 with input from the community and has been in place and evolved for more than 20 years.
Over the course of its development, the MFP identified several areas of need: neighborhood elementary schools, transitioning preschool services into a new building, renovations to the high school, and replacing the junior high school.
Master Facilities Plan Phases:
Phase One - Elementary Schools - Complete
Phase Two - High School Renovations - Partially complete, no current plans to proceed
Phase Three - Middle School Replacement/Preschool Relocation - In process
History Of Milford School Buildings
Buildings Currently In Use
Milford High School - Originally opened as Milford Jr. High in 1965 with additions in 1980, 1989, and 2009. Became Milford High School in 1990.
Milford Junior High School - Originally opened as Milford High School (grades 9-12) in 1962 with additions in 1980 and 1985. Became Milford Jr. High in 1990.
Milford Preschool - Formerly Miami Elementary. Original building opened in 1929 with additions in 1947, 1954, 1956, and 1980.
Mulberry Elementary School - Opened in 2003.
McCormick Elementary School - Opened in 2003.
Meadowview Elementary School - Opened in 2004
Pattison Elementary School - Opened in 2004.
Boyd E. Smith Elementary School - Opened in 2016.
Charles L. Seipelt Elementary School - Opened in 2016.
Other School Buildings
Milford Main (527 Lila Avenue) - Original building opened in 1912 with additions constructed in 1936, 1947, and 1950. Building shuttered in 2004 and demolished in 2016.
Milford South (777 Garfield Avenue) - Original building opened in 1957 and shuttered in 2004. School building and site (13.6 acres) sold to developers in 2021.
Pleasant Hill Elementary (5684 Cromley Drive): Original building opened in 1961 with additions in 1962 and 1978. Later became Charles L. Seipelt Elementary, named for long-time building principal. Building and site transferred to Miami Township in 2015. Building later demolished and new Seipelt Elementary built on SR 131.
Boyd E. Smith Elementary (1052 Jer-Les Drive): Original building opened in 1980. New elementary built on same campus in 2016.