New Construction
In an effort to serve young people with disabilities, Milford Exempted Village School District is continually in process of locating and evaluating children from 3 to 21 years of age who are suspected as having a disability. Disabilities may include developmental delays, health impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Individuals may contact the school building Principals or Director of Special Education about children suspected as having a disability that may qualify for special education services. Information is available about special education policies and procedures in each building by contacting the building Principal.
Milford Exempted Village School District has a child identification process that includes the location, identification and evaluation of a child suspected of having a disability within and outside of district buildings. The Department of Special Education coordinates the child identification process. Milford staff use a variety of community resources and systematic activities in order to identify children requiring special services. Included in this effort is consultation with appropriate representatives of private school students attending private schools located within the boundaries of the Milford District to carry out this process. Milford ensures that this process for students attending private or religious schools located in the District is comparable to activities undertaken for students with disabilities served in the public school setting.
If you have questions about the above-mentioned process, please Email Kim Hayden, Special Education and Preschool Coordinator.